Thankful for 2013

In January of this year, I started keeping a gratitude jar (yes, thanks Pinterest) . In essence, I wrote things on small pieces of paper that I was grateful for - big and small. I was better at doing this regularly in the beginning of 2013, and tapered off a bit toward the end of the year. Still, it's been fun to read through them and see the things that have happened this past year. A few themes emerged: My travels took me to Texas in January on an amazing adventure with Sarah. We explored Austin, San Antonio and finished in Denton with my dear friend Philippe de Neige. Sarah is my travel buddy - who else would want to visit Friday Night Lights filming locations with me? Or spend hours drinking delicious whiskey at Contigo? And hearing Philippe talk about the book he's writing about zombies was such a gift! I can't wait to read the finished book, friend. I also had the pleasure of visiting Grand Cayman in March - ...