Proof I Am an Introvert

The introvert extrovert debate rages on.  Do you think I am an introvert or an extrovert? I am in fact an introvert, by definition.  I am an outgoing introvert.  Does that sound like a contradiction? It's not.  Introverts are individuals who draw their energy from being alone. Solitude.  That doesn't mean they can't enjoy being with people or that they have to be shy and quiet.  In the same way that being an extrovert doesn't mean one has to be the life of the party.  They draw energy from being with people.

When I take the Myers-Briggs test, it declares me an extrovert...or I am right on the line, split 50/50.  This is one of many reasons why I hate these personality tests.  They can be tools to help us understand one another, yes. But we are all complicated beings.  I cannot be defined by a series of letters based on a quiz.

I recently read Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking (Susan Cain).  It was an interesting read and challenged some of the opinions I've had about this whole thing.  Some of the author's definitions/traits had me questioning if I really was an introvert.  I've had discussions with friends who know me well, and they've made good arguments on both sides.  Can I draw energy from being with people?  Yes.  This is a huge component of my job, and it's the thing I love most about my job. One thing I learned in this book is that introverts can step outside of their natural groove a bit and be more outgoing and even find energy in being with people in certain situations.  This mostly happens when it is something the introvert is passionate about.  Am I passionate about my job?  Absolutely.  Am I passionate about my family and friends?  Of course.  The caveat with this is that the introvert must have a haven to return to.  I live alone which is one of the best gifts I've given myself.  Knowing that at the end of the day, I can go home to solitude allows me to spend time with people and be able to fully engage without burning out (mostly).

This past week has put me to the test.  Saturday I left for a road trip to St. Louis with 2 dear friends. We had a great time - the perfect mix of deep conversation and general goofiness.  And baseball, which is always good :)  They dropped me off Monday at Ohare so I could fly to NY for work.  My flights were delayed and I finally got to the hotel around 11:00 where I pretty much got straight in bed.  I spent the next day in a training session.   I had a lot of great discussions with colleagues about management techniques and comparing notes on our campaigns.  It was great.  I got back to the hotel after this and ran to grab dinner and then sat on a conference call for work back in Chicago.

Finally, after 4 solid days filled with people, I was alone. And silent.  It was like water in a desert.  Think of any cliche about sweet relief and that's what it was like for me. All of this to say, any questions that were still lingering in my mind were solidly confirmed last night.  As much as I loved my road trip with friends and my time with colleagues, being alone energized me.

I am an introvert.  Where are you on the spectrum?


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    Extrovert Meaning In Urdu


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