I Just Felt Like Running

That's one of my favorite quotes from Forrest Gump. I just felt like running. I don't remember exactly when I started running. I think it was in late high school or early college. I was not athletic. At all. I can't remember what compelled me to start running, other than I just felt like running one day. I listened to a podcast on my way home today on running as a spiritual practice (definitely worth a listen) , and it made me think about why I run. Ever since that first run, I have had a love/hate relationship with running. Mostly hate, but also love for reasons that are hard to put words around. Our relationship has been on again and off again. Hot and cold. Sometimes we can't get enough of each other, and other times we go years without speaking. But we always seem to find ourselves together again. So, why do I keep going back to it? Here are a few reasons I was able to come up with while running today: Running teaches me to be o...