The Perils of Long Hair

About a year and a half ago, I decided to grow out my hair so I could donate it. When cancer patients go through chemo and lose their hair, it can be incredibly difficult. As women, hair is so much a part of our identity. How we see ourselves. Often how we find our femininity. My Aunt Kathy lost her hair when she was in treatment and that inspired me to do what I could to help patients. There are some great organizations out there that give wigs to patients for FREE, like Pantene Beautiful Lengths . My hair is now long enough to donate (most places require a minimum of 8 inches), and I've decided to keep it long for a while longer. I'm running the Chicago Half Marathon in September, and pulling my hair back while running is much easier than working with a shorter style. I hope to cut it on my birthday, 3 days after the Chicago Half! My hair hasn't been this long...well, maybe ever. Here are some interesting lessons I've learned: Pull your hair ba...