When things go wrong...

I've had an interesting few weeks. Since Thanksgiving, I had an expensive car repair, my fridge break (necessitating buying a new one), plumbing problems...the list goes on. The icing on the cake? My Christmas tree fell over last night, breaking a few precious ornaments. I had to lean it against the wall to help it make it through these last couple days before Christmas. None of this has been fun. It's been expensive, inconvenient and annoying. But I find myself giving thanks anyway. Perhaps I'm even more grateful because these things have happened. There are a lot of terrible things going on in the world right now. People are in real crisis - fleeing war, grieving loved ones lost, fighting cancer. These are the real problems, right? When I look at the past month in my life, yes. It was expensive, inconvenient and annoying. But I had the money saved to fix my car and buy a new fridge. I have a Christmas tree with gifts underneath. How ...