Walking Through

I recently watched Newsies with my friend, Juliet. It brought me back to my 13-year-old self. I watched that movie so many times as a teen. Yes, mostly because of my crush on Christian Bale (which is still alive and well today, thanks for asking). I’d like to think it also had something to do with the themes surrounding justice and family and dreams. The main character, Jack Kelly, finds himself controlled by "the man." Struggling to get by and survive in New York City, he has no family to rely on and he creates a fantasy world to which he can escape. For Jack, this fantasy is Santa Fe – a place where he can be free, like the wind (the song explains it well) . I find myself doing this, don’t you? I have a very wild imagination and have multiple alternate realities swirling around in my head. A few examples: working in the Civil Rights division at the Department of Justice; working on the communications team in the West Wing (both on the TV show and in ...