
Showing posts from October, 2013

Lord, deliver me from email

In church yesterday morning, we all recited the Lord's prayer together.  "Our Father...give us this day our daily bread...deliver us from  email. "  Wait, what?  I've been praying this prayer since I was born.  Why did I just say  email  instead of  evil ?  Maybe it was just a slip of my tired mind.  But, as I do with most things, I wanted to dig a little deeper and uncover WHY I feel the need to be delivered from email. My former pastor, Matt Tebbe, once tweeted this:  The most neglected and undervalued spiritual discipline: sleep.  Easy to forget how vital it is to surrender to how God made me.   This really hit home for me.  My whole life, sleep has been a struggle for me.  Partially because I am naturally a night owl.  But I'm never really tired.  Naps are not in my vocabulary. I physically can't do it.  It is almost impossible for my head to hit the pillow and for me to instantly fall asleep...