Goodbye Caribou

I'm sitting at my favorite Caribou Coffee for the last time (holding back tears, for reals). Caribou is such an integral part of my life. I feel like a dear friend is moving away. Melodramatic? Perhaps. But who wants to sit and read or have deep conversation at a Starbucks? Not me. There is no warmth there. No fireplace. No beautiful wood tables with fun benches to sit on. No chalkboards to draw pictures or spell out your thoughts. No area for kids to play. No pictures of the founders adorning the walls. No trivia questions. Can I say no character? Perhaps I am being too harsh. I like Starbucks for work and meetings. But it says nothing to my soul. Caribou - well, it is a place my soul has always felt at home. I worked at Caribou for a short time and grew closer to one of my besties, Sarah, during that time. We used to send each other ridiculous messages in the memo line on the computer screens (sample: Devo = whipped cream. Whip i...