My Favorite Aunt

I wrote this on January 30, 2013 - the day Aunt Kathy lost her battle with ovarian cancer It is only fitting that it is raining today. The skies are crying with me and my family. My Aunt Kathy passed away this morning, and I can think of no other words to describe how I'm feeling other than my heart is broken. My Aunt Kathy was more than just an aunt to me, my sisters, and my 7 cousins. She was there for every important milestone in our lives - and a lot of the unimportant ones too. She treasured us and made us feel special. She was there for graduations, confirmations, weddings, birthdays, vacations and everything in between. She used to take me and my sisters shopping for our birthdays. Each of us got our own shopping trip each year. We'd go to Hawthorn Mall together and have some quality Aunt/Niece time shopping for clothes. She was always so generous with her time and attention. I was able to take a Spring Break trip to the Bahamas with he...